Which of the following types of words are MOST beneficial to teach your toddler?
1. Letters 2. Numbers 3. Colors 4. Shapes 5. Verbs Answer: #5 Toddlers learn language in everyday routines and activities. They need vocabulary that they can use to communicate basic wants and needs. This includes names for familiar people and things, adjectives (describing words), and verbs (action words). At around 2 years of age, toddlers should be putting short phrases together (e.g., "eat cookie", "Mama come"), then longer sentences will come. Verbs are necessary for making sentences. Academic vocabulary (e.g., letter names, colors) is less of a priority at these early stages. If you have concerns about your child's speech and language skills, call for a free phone consultation.
How do you know if you can count what your child says as a “word”?
Something your child says that is…
Answer: #1 AND #2 AND #3 (#4 is ok too!) A word is anything your child says intentionally, independently AND consistently (this includes signs!). You can count animal sounds (e.g., “moo”) and words like “uh oh” as long as they meet these criteria. Don’t worry about pronunciation when your child is just starting to use words. Remember, word count is just one aspect of language development. If you have concerns about your child's speech and language skills, call for a free phone consultation. What are some reasons you should consult a speech-language pathologist about your child?
Answer: All of them (and more) Speech-language pathologists are knowledgeable about communication milestones and make recommendations about how and when to get a speech and language evaluation as well as referrals to other specialists (e.g., ENT) as needed. If you have concerns about your child's speech and language skills, call for a free phone consultation. Which of the following are signs your child might need a hearing test?
Answer: All of these! A child may experience hearing loss for a variety of reasons. Temporary hearing loss can result from ear infections, or fluid in the ears. Tugging or pulling on ears may be a sign a young child is experiencing discomfort from an ear infection. An older child may watch television with the volume up high or frequently ask for repetition. Over time, multiple ear infections can negatively impact speech and language development (and later, academic performance). Audiologists have the skills and equipment to assess hearing, even in young children. The first few years of a child’s life are a critical learning period. Early intervention is key. If you have concerns about your child’s speech and language skills, call for a free phone consultation. True or false?
Answer: #1-4 are true (well #5 may also be true…) Telepractice is using technology to provide services remotely. The use of videoconferencing technology allows families to access services at home, which is especially important for those living in remote areas that may not otherwise be able to access these services. Participating in virtual sessions saves families time traveling to and from appointments and provides the opportunity to work on their goals in their natural environment (useful for generalizing skills to everyday life). It is also an opportunity to involve other family members, such as grandparents and siblings (and pets?) in the learning process. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many health professionals have implemented the use of telepractice as a safer alternative to face-to-face appointments. Research on the efficacy of virtual speech and language services is growing. Speech-language pathologists use clinical judgement based on experience, in accordance with CASLPO’s guidelines, to determine when the use of virtual services is appropriate. If you have questions about the use of virtual services for your child, call for a free phone consultation. True or False?
Answer: All of these are true! Speech-language pathologists practicing in Ontario must be registered with the College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario (CASLPO) which sets out practice standards and guidelines, and implements the Quality Assurance Program. S-LPs are required to participate in a mentorship program for 6 months (minimum) after they have completed their master’s degree. They must continue to earn a minimum of 15 Continuous Learning Activity Credits (CLACs) every year to enhance their knowledge and skills. S-LPs are also required to follow privacy laws in accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). For more information, visit: www.caslpo.com, www.ipc.on.ca |